Our family company was founded in 1989 with 2 full partners and 2 silent partners as ’Mozaik’ Industrial, Commercial and Service deposit company. In 2002, because of change of ownership of the company – with legal successor of ’Mozaik’ deposit company –, was founded the ’Mozaik’ Industrial, Commercial and Service Ltd. and it’s operated in this form also at present.
Up to now the managing director is Sándor Bakró, graduate engineer.
Short introduction of our company:
in 1990 we opened our beuty salon, which has been managed by Ilona Bagó Bakróné
from 1992 we are engaged in producing thermoplastic products, then from 1994 the profile of the firm would be plastic packaging materials (as flacons, jars, roll-on deo flacons, caps)
since 1996 we have possessed own premises in Kecskemét
in 2000 we bought and installed in our available machine stock the ’Battenfeld 300/100’ model injection molding machine
in 2004 we bought 2 extrusion blow molding machines, with which we begann producing of the PET-G basic materials products
In the same year, because of the increased machinenumbers, it was necessary to get a high-output compressor. Our choice fell on a ’Boge CDF-9’ compressor.
adjusting to the grown market claims we bought a ’Battenfeld 600/200’ model injection molding machine
Then also in the same year, in the interest of the further improvement of producing quality, we minded our old cooling water system for advanced watersystem technology.
We bought a ’Ferroli RMA IR 40,1’ model liquid cooler with high-output exchanger and we begann the reshaping of whole cooling system.
in 2011 we bought a ’Battenfeld 950/315’ model injection molding machine and ’Nissei’ model blow molding machine
in the same year it was possible to get further machines due to sending a successful application ( GOP-2.1.1-11/A.2011-2564)
From the beginning of our producing activity we have worked on a such economic surroundings, which is based on quality, reliability and humanity. The modern business surroundings makes it possible so hardly, but we consider this company philosophy during the constitutional processes and also deciding.
As in past as in future we would like to widen our product range primarily at our customers’s claims. Our products are found mainly in circulation of Hungary, but we export it to some European countries , for example: Germany and Romania.
Sincerely: Sándor Bakró